德国Marc Almert 是2016 南非葡萄酒协会(WOSA) 国际侍酒师杯赛冠军,澳门的Joe Yang(杨超彬)及加拿大Nathan Morrell 并列亚军。
Marc Almert of Germany is the winner of the 2016 Wines of South Africa (WOSA) International Sommelier Cup, with Joe Yang of Macau and Nathan Morrell of Canada tying for second place!
本次决赛有八位国际精英,分别来自英国,荷兰,瑞典,美国和肯尼亚。他们在9 月23 日(星期五)于南非开普敦酒乡角逐这次殊荣。
The top three finalists were amongst the elite group of eight contestants flown to the Cape Winelands to compete in the prestigious event on Friday, September 23. The other participants were from the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United States of America and Kenya.
Held every three years, the Sommelier Cup seeks to raise awareness of South Africa's wine excellence amongst international restaurant, hotel and style-bar influencers. As they are positioned at the vanguard of taste trends, they have a huge role in shaping the opinions and preferences of wine lovers around the world.
All eight contestants had previously won the preliminary round in their respective countries to qualify for the final leg of the competition in South Africa.
WOSA 总裁 Siobhan Thompson 称:“侍酒师杯赛的水平不断提高,随着南非葡萄酒业不断扩大,新产区开发及葡萄酒风格创新,令南非葡萄酒变得更加多样,复杂及兴奋。”
According to WOSA CEO Siobhan Thompson, the level of competition has become increasingly demanding over the years. "The growth of the industry and the flowering of new styles and new regions has meant the field has become more varied and complex, but also more interesting."
南非侍酒师协会主席和评委之一的Higgo Jacobs 说:“近年国际对南非酒兴趣及热情大增,实在令人兴奋。准决赛冠军可以前往南非参加决赛是一个大吸引,鼓励更多人参加并了解南非酒,这是一个出色的提高南非酒认知活动。南非之旅正是决赛者与一级酿酒师及当地侍酒师交流,切磋的好机会。”
Higgo Jacobs, chairman of the South African Sommeliers' Association and one of the judges, said: "It has been tremendously exciting to see how international interest in South African wines has exploded. The prize of a trip to the Cape for the semi-finalists is a huge drawcard and really incentivises everyone who enters to get to know South African wines well. It's a brilliant way of raising awareness of the South African category. For the top performers who make the trip here, it's an opportunity to network with South Africa's leading winemakers and to meet local sommeliers and exchange views, news and ideas with them."
2013 年侍酒师杯赛冠军和评委之一的Will Predhomme 表示,“三年前我到开普敦参加总决赛时,所经历的都超出我预期,我体验到历史与创新的交替,整个行业是充满活力,迅速发展和令人兴奋,没有规限条款阻碍创新。2013 年能够亲身见证南非酒在世界舞台上被发掘,实在是我的殊荣。因为那次经验,我再到访南非,现在并与一酒庄合作酿酒。”
Will Predhomme, who won the Sommelier Cup in 2013, and was one of the judges this year said: "When I visited the Cape three years ago to take part in the finals, everything I experienced exceeded my expectations. What I encountered was history meeting innovation head on. It is such a dynamic, rapidly progressing and exciting industry. There are no legislative roadblocks to impede innovation. Back in 2013 it was a real privilege to have been exposed first hand to South African wines on the cusp of their discovery by a wider global audience. I have been back since and now even make wines in partnership with a South African winery, as a result of that initial visit."
今年南非酒在其主要市场价格都有上升;直至今年八月,每公升葡萄酒的价格 (南非货币)在英国过去12 个月的增长为13%。在德国和加拿大同期增长率是19%,荷兰升幅更达32%。尼尔森数据显示直至2016 年7 月16 日,南非酒在美国过去52 星期内价格增长为25%。
This year's hosting of the cup comes as South Africa is earning higher prices for its wines in several key markets. While the year-on-year rand per litre price for bottled wines increased by 13% in the UK for the 12 months to August, it rose by 19% for the same period in Germany and Canada and 32% in the Netherlands. In the US, Nielsen data show that for the 52-week period ending July 16, 2016, the value of South African wines sold had also climbed by 25%.
This year's hosting of the cup comes as South Africa is earning higher prices for its wines in several key markets. While the year-on-year rand per litre price for bottled wines increased by 13% in the UK for the 12 months to August, it rose by 19% for the same period in Germany and Canada and 32% in the Netherlands. In the US, Nielsen data show that for the 52-week period ending July 16, 2016, the value of South African wines sold had also climbed by 25%.
在侍酒师杯决赛前,参赛者拜访了多个葡萄酒产区和酒庄,并与杰出酿酒师会面,令他们接触到南非不同酒款,包括白,红,桃红的混合及单一品种葡萄酒,以及顶级M閠hode Cap Classique 起泡酒的广泛风格。
Before the sommeliers’ final exam, contestants met some of South Africa's foremost winemakers and visited a number of wine regions and wineries. Their whirlwind trip exposed them to the latest developments across the stylistic spectrum amongst white, red and rosé blended and varietal wines, as well as to the country's top Méthode Cap Classique sparkling wines.
On the last day of their five-day visit, the eight contestants were tested on their tasting ability as well as their knowledge of specific local regions and wards, and on the diverse range of wines and wine styles produced at the Cape. The top three then appeared before an audience of invited guests with the judging panel posing as diners in a restaurant setting in which the three had to apply their knowledge and show their service skills.
德国Marc Almert,在汉堡工作,并在德国多次获得侍酒师赛奖项。
Marc Almert from Germany, who works in Hamburg and has already won several sommelier competitions in Germany.
美国Cheron Cowan,是纽约Harold's Meat + Three 的总经理和饮料总监。
Cheron Cowan from the US, who is the general manager and beverage director of Harold's Meat + Three in New York
瑞典Erik Grödahl,葡萄酒顾问及讲师。
Erik Grödahl from Sweden, a wine consultant and educator
肯尼亚Geoffrey Kariuki,七年前从事餐饮业,任职服务员,目前参与采购葡萄酒及培训侍酒师工作。
Geoffrey Kariuki from Kenya, who began his career as a waiter seven years ago and is currently involved in wine buying and training of sommeliers
加拿大Nathan Morrell,前身是厨师,然后从事葡萄酒进口,现时为侍酒师。
Nathan Morrell from Canada, who started out as a cook and then began importing wine before becoming a sommelier
英国Eric Simonics,在伦敦Savoy Hotel 酒店工作,并得到Court of Master Sommeliers 认证。
Eric Simonics from the UK, who works at London's Savoy Hotel and has been certified by the prestigious Court of Master Sommeliers
荷兰Marijn Smit,侍酒师顾问,为不同餐厅提供专业意见。
Marijn Smit from the Netherlands, a consultant sommelier who advises a range of restaurants
澳门Joe Yang,新濠影汇侍酒师,在准决赛中压倒来自香港,中国,台湾,马来西亚,日本,韩国和泰国对手,代表亚洲出席。
Joe Yang from Macau representing Asia who trumped regional competitors from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan, Korea and Thailand. Joe is the sommelier at Studio City.
The members of Judges:
Ronan Sayburn MS,侍酒师大师和英国侍酒师比赛的历届冠军,现任著名英国Dorchester Collection 葡萄酒主管。
Ronan Sayburn MS, a Master Sommelier and former winner of the UK Sommelier of the Year title, who is currently the head of wines for the prestigious Dorchester Collection UK
James Tidwell MS,侍酒师大师,教育家,Four Seasons Resort 和Club Dallas 餐饮经理。
James Tidwell MS, a Master Sommelier, wine educator and beverage manager at the Four Seasons Resort and Club Dallas
Will Predhomme,WOSA 国际侍酒师杯赛2013 冠军得主,曾获加拿大安大略省最佳侍酒师荣衔,现在南非,加拿大和美国俄勒冈州酿酒。
Will Predhomme, the 2013 winner of the WOSA International Sommelier Cup and a former title holder of the Best Sommelier in Ontario, Canada, who makes wine in South Africa, Canada and Oregon, US.
Higgo Jacobs,前任酿酒师和葡萄酒推广,Court of Master Sommeliers 认证,南非侍酒师协会主席和International Wine Challenge 资深评委。
Higgo Jacobs, a former winemaker and wine marketer, certified with the Court of Master Sommeliers, chairman of the South African Sommeliers' Association and a senior judge at the International Wine Challenge
David Clarke,来自澳大利亚,Court of Master Sommeliers 认证,在英国,澳大利亚和南非有丰富葡萄酒零售和餐饮经验。
David Clarke, from Australia, who is certified with the Court of Master Sommeliers and has extensive experience in wine retail and restaurants in the UK, Australia and South Africa.
Joakim Hansi Blackadder,来自瑞典,曾于不同米之莲星级餐厅工作。并曾经赢得The World of Fine Wine 杂志 非洲及中东最佳酒单奖。
Joakim Hansi Blackadder, originally from Sweden, where he worked for several Michelin-starred restaurants. He has won an award for the Best Wine List in Africa and the Middle East from The World of Fine Wine magazine.
有关比赛,评委及参赛者详情,请浏览www.wosa.co.za/sommelier/ 或 #CapeSomm
For more details on this competition, judges and candidates, visit www.wosa.co.za/sommelier/ or #CapeSomm
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